Specializing in children's, family, engagements, &
high school senior portraits.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Experimenting Photographing Snow at Night

It started snowing late in the day while I was at work today and by the time I got got close to my town it had actually started to stick to the road.

Normally my commute is about 40 mins the MOST in traffic but today it took well over and hour. It gave me a lot of time to think and one thing that popped in my head was the idea to photograph the snow coming down tonight on the bulb setting to see if I could capture the snow with a streaky look as it streamed down.

I put the light on by my back door and set my camera on the tripod under the awning (to keep it dry) and I captured this:

ISO 100, f5.6, Shutter 15.2 on BULB setting

After the exeriment was completed I couldn't resist getting a photo of Lucas enjoying "sniffing" the snowflakes:

I tried multiple shots...this one I liked the best. If anything it was a neat experiment. :)

Tonight I worked on these 3 images of a "side of the road" barn & silo that my sister and I loved so much we had to pull over to photograph on our trip to the Mulica River & the Pine Barrens on October 28th (I'm still trying to catch up on 2007!!):

The same photo (above) converted:

And just to show you how funny the two of us are on these photo trips.... Here is my sister taking her version of the shot and my shadow as I take the shot from behind her to the right. We must look hysterical on the side of the road and that's why I like to document us while we're out...my sister tries to do the same for me and those are many of the photos you'll see running along the right side of my blog.

The other thing I tried tonight was a "gritty" Photoshop technique I found while googling. I tried it on a "Lee" photograph and this is what I got as a result. Kinda neat if you're going for this kind of effect:

Found this photo from November.

My Dad moved away and we went to clean out the attic and I found a box of my old stuffed animals...my sister was there with her dog and we had some fun. Can you tell which is a stuffed animal and which is not? LOL. The Jack Russell is hers. LOL!

In other news....

I'm flattered with a phone call I just received while I was writing this blog post. A local Photography club found my website through a web search and asked me if I would be interesting in judging their bi-monthly photography contest. The did a search on local photographers in the area and came across my site.

I declined the offer because I didn't feel comfortable judging, critiquing, and providing detailed feedback on technique to others while I'm still learning myself.

Even though I wasn't comfortable with judging their bi-monthly contest the phone call at least provided me with information about a very local club that I didn't know existed. The person I spoke with shared information regarding the club along with their website so I could review it. Thanks to Cranbury Digital Photography Club for the offer! :)

On another topic:

A few photoshop tutorial site links that were shared on my forum tonight:






Anonymous said...

A big whoo hoo for that offer!!! You are an amazing photographer and should not sell yourself short like that.
Love the snow coming down and Lucas is cute as ever. (hugs)

lg said...

Wow, go u with the local photography club wanting my photographer to be a judge. Exciting news even tho u declined. BTW I love that first snow shot. Stunning work... as always.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this particular blog entry....so many interesting tid-bits! Congrats on the judge invite. You do that every day on our forum; you could do it for the local club as well. :) I really enjoyed your first snow shot! Sue

All images on this website © Jen Rinaldi Photography. All Rights Reserved. Images may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Jen Rinaldi Photography.